A specific guide on what to deliver each week
Other than the opening session, the icebreaker and the final plenary session you must also fulfill these activities inbetween.
- Week 1: Sustainable Development Goals & Chemistry
- Week 2: Research & discover
- Week 3: Teamwork time!
- Week 4: Teamwork and accomplishment
Week 1: Sustainable Development Goals & Chemistry
Do a search on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Within the Chemistry related field: #2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 14 and see which interests you the most. Choose two goals that interest you most.
- Goal 2: Zero hunger. The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.
- Goal 3: Good Health and well-being. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
- Goal 4: Quality Education. Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people's lives and sustainable development (teach Chemistry in a way it can be applied).
- Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation. Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in.
- Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy. Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.
- Goal 9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Roads, water, sanitation, and electricity remain scarce in many developing countries.
- Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
- Goal 13. Climate action. Global emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by almost 50 % since 1990.
- Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, sea, and marine resources for sustainable development.
Week 2: Research & discover
Starting the 8th of March. Homework:
Do some research on your own on the issue that the SDG you selected is trying to address and bring to next meeting:
- What factors are causing this issue?
- What is currently being done to address i?
- What still needs to be done to address it?
- Sources that you used to find this information
- Think about it from a local perspective and then share and exchange with your partners!
Week 3: Teamwork time!
Starting the 15th of March. Homework:
Have some sort of synchronous meeting with your partner, introducing yourself, sharing some information about you and planning the next two online meetings. These could be via Meet, WhatsApp, Teams, Zoom, FaceTime, MS Teams, etc., but must be synchronous and via a video conference technology. You have been assigned a goal to work with and discuss it on groups.
Planning the assignment with your partner; choose:
- Media to communicate
- Dates and times to meet
- Check on the goal you have been assigned to
Together you must find a unique way using technology, natural resources, and/or sustainable techniques, to address the problem outlined in the goal. You will have to develop together a PowerPoint presentation.
- Share at the meeting which are your results, brainstorm together.
- Review each other's research on chosen goal.
- Decide on an approach to help meet this goal.
- Put them in common.
- Choose 2 unique ideas to work on and address this issue as a group.
Week 4: Teamwork and accomplishment
Starting the 22nd of March. Second online meeting with partner: Develop a PowerPoint presentation that you will present by teams. Homework:
Together, create a professional and visually pleasing PowerPoint presentation that includes the following slides:
- Title page
- Why did you chose the 2 unique ideas to address your Goal
- What your research showed are factors that lead to this issue
- What your research showed is currently being done to address the issue
- What your research showed is still needed to be done to address the issue
- What unique solution have you and your partner(s) decided to help address the issue and how it would work
- Include References
The presentation should be no longer than 7 minutes.
Note: All team members need to present and participate in answering questions.